Marketing GroupIndustrial Engineering of the University of Chile

The marketing academic area is comprised of scholars who graduated from top doctoral programs in the U.S. and Europe, who have published in the most prestigious marketing journals in recent years including Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science and Quantitative Marketing and Economics.

Because our faculty are affiliated to the University of Chile’s Industrial Engineering Department, we regularly interact with scholars from other relevant disciplines such as operations management, data science and industrial organization.

Our group has close ties with Chilean companies and the public sector, which provides opportunities for our faculty to lead research projects with both scientific and applied impact. One of the leading areas of application is retailing, analyzing issues related to pricing, promotional campaigns, customer service, omnichannel retailing, product design and customer relationship management. Our group is also interested in the implications of marketing for consumer welfare in financial decision-making, nutritional choices, and sustainable consumption.

Recently, our faculty have been involved in a number of projects related to COVID19, such as estimating the effectiveness of lockdown policies, forecasting ICU occupation, pool testing and making recommendations for planning election processes and changing transportation demand.

Finally, prior to the COVID19 pandemic, we hosted several international research workshops (sponsored by ISCI) which attract top scholars in marketing and operations management from the US, Europe and South America. Please visit the Workshops tab to learn more about these events and the Faculty tab to learn more about our researchers.



The University of Chile’s Industrial Engineering department invites highly qualified applicants for a full-time position in Marketing at the assistant, associate, or full professor ranks. We are particularly interested in candidates with expertise in the application of analytics, machine learning, econometrics or field experiments to marketing issues, but other areas of expertise will also be considered.

Our industrial engineering department is very unique as it has a strong focus on marketing, decision making, economics, data science and operations management. Marketing and management science researchers in our department graduated from top Ph.D. programs such as U. of Pennsylvania, Carnegie Mellon U., U.C. Berkeley, Columbia U. and M.I.T. and in recent years have published articles in top journals for marketing scholars such as Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science and Quantitative Marketing and Economics. For more information about our group please visit:

Our university is ranked first in Chile in the 2020 Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities. Our faculty are ranked first in Latin America in terms of research productivity in marketing and operations management (America Economia MBA rankings). The department also has a doctoral program which attracts talented students from Chile and abroad.

The successful candidate will be a member of the most important management science/marketing group in Chile. Our department provides a high-quality research environment with a low teaching load of 2.5 courses per year and good access to companies and the public sector for projects with both scientific and applied impact. The salary will be commensurate with the candidate’s qualifications.


Candidates should have or be on track to obtain a Doctoral degree in Marketing or related fields. Applicants are expected to have a demonstrated potential for, or history of, outstanding research.


Conduct research in marketing and teach undergraduate and graduate courses (proficiency in Spanish is not required).


Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the positions are filled. Candidates will be interviewed via Zoom.

The University of Chile is located in Santiago, the capital and largest city of Chile, which is considered as one of the two most livable cities in Latin America (The Economist, 2018). Chile has a population of 18 million inhabitants, ranks #2nd in South America in terms of GDP per capita. Santiago is 90 minutes away by car from both the Pacific Ocean and the Andes Mountains. More information about Chile can be found at:

The Department of Industrial Engineering is a leading research body in the area of marketing and management science with strong international connections to prestigious academic centers. According to a ranking carried out by the journal Interfaces, the Department of Industrial Engineering is the highest-ranking academic institution regarding publications in Informs journals in applied management science outside of the United States. Our faculty members have won prestigious awards such as the IFORS Prize and INFORMS’s Edelman Prize.

The Department of Industrial Engineering, unlike other Industrial Engineering Departments, has strong focus on Business Engineering. It has vast and recognized experience in developing projects for private companies and government agencies in the areas of customer satisfaction and retention, retailing, quantitative marketing, decision support systems and data mining. The Department has a leadership position as Chile’s principal training institution for industrial engineers, with high-quality graduate programs and research centers in various areas of management and applied economics.

The Department of Industrial Engineering is located in Santiago, the capital and largest city of Chile, which is considered as one of the two most livable cities in Latin America and among the top 70 in the world (The Economist, 2009). More information about Chile can be found at sernatur and this is chile

Marcel Goic

Associate Professor
Ph.D. Marketing, Carnegie Mellon U.
Research interest: Quantitative marketing.  
Recent Publications: Carranza, Aldo and Goic, Marcel and Lara, Eduardo and Olivares, Marcelo and Weintraub, Gabriel Y. and Covarrubia, Julio and Escobedo, Cristian and Jara, Natalia and Basso, Leonardo J. (2021), "The Social Divide of Social Distancing: Shelter-in-Place Behavior in Santiago during the COVID-19 Pandemic," forthcoming at Management Science.
Recent Awards and Honors: Semifinalist for the 2021 Innovative Applications in Analytics Award (Analytics Society of INFORMS, Kinaxis and Adelphi University).
2022 INFORMS Edelman Award

E-mail: · Web: link

Andres Musalem

Associate Professor
Ph.D. Marketing, U. of Pennsylvania
Research interest: Quantitative marketing, Bayesian statistics, empirical operations management, econometrics, game theory.
Recent Publications: Rudof-Harri Oberg and Andres Musalem (2025) "Consumer Response to Monetary Subsidies: A Structural Demand Analysis of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program", Marketing Science.
Recent Awards and Honors: MSOM Area Editor, JMR Editorial Board Member. 2022 Strategic Management Society (SMS) London Research Methods Paper Prize. Finalist for the MSOM Society 2016 Best OM paper in Management Science.
E-mail: · Web: link

Omar Pérez

Assistant Professor
Ph.D in Psychology, University of Cambridge
Research interest: Judgment and decision making
Recent Publications: Perez, O. D., & Dickinson, A. (2020). A theory of actions and habits: The interaction of rate correlation and contiguity systems in free-operant behavior. Psychological Review, 127(6), 945.

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Daniel Schwartz

Associate Professor
Ph.D. Behavioral Decision Research, Carnegie Mellon U.
Research interest: Behavioral economics, judgment and decision making, consumer behavior.
Recent Publications: Araya, S., Elberg, A., Noton, C., and Schwartz, D. (2022) "Identifying Food Labeling Effects on Consumer Behavior." (Accepted).  Marketing Science.
Recent Awards and Honors: Career Teaching award at the Department level and Best Teaching awards at the university level, Research Award for Top Publication at the university level (paper published in Nature Climate Change).
E-mail: · Web: link


Marcelo Olivares

Associate Professor
Ph.D. in Operations Management, U. of Pennsylvania
Research interest: Empirical Operations Management, Service Operations and Supply Chain Management.
Recent Publications: Do Customer Emotions Affect Worker Productivity? An Empirical Study of Emotional Load in Online Customer Contact Centers”, with Daniel Altman, Galit B. Yom-Tov, Shelly Ashtar and Anat Rafaeli. Forthcoming in M&SOM.
Recent Awards and Honors: Department Editor of Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Associate Editor for Management Science.
2022 INFORMS Edelman Award

E-mail: · Web: link

Sebastian Rios

Associate Professor
Ph.D. in Information Engineering, University of Tokyo
Research interest: Text mining and higher-order semantics, social network analysis, and data mining to enhance healthcare systems.
Recent Publications: Patricio Wolff, Sebastián A. Ríos & Manuel Graña, “Setting up standards: A methodology for pediatric triage machine learning model based on clinical outcomes”, Elsevier, Expert Systems with Applications, 138, 2019.
Recent Awards and Honors: Best Paper Award, International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation (IWINAC 2017), La Coruña, Spain, June 2017
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Denis Saure

Associate Professor
Ph.D. in Operations Research, Columbia University
Research interest: Stochastic modeling and its applications to service operations and revenue management, data-driven approaches to decision-making under uncertainty, and their application in the retail industry, online advertisement, and service systems in general.
Recent Publications: F. Bernstein, S. Modaresi, and D. Sauré (2019), "A Dynamic Clustering Approach to Data-Driven Assortment Personalization",  Management Science, 65(5), 2095-2115
Recent Awards and Honors: JFIG INFORMS 2013 Paper Competition, Second Prize; 2018 INFORMS MSOM Student Paper Competition, First prize; 2018 Euro Excellence in Practice Award, Finalist.
2022 INFORMS Edelman Award

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Charles Thraves

Assistant Professor
Ph.D. in Operations Research, MIT.
Research interest: Operations management, operations research, revenue management.
Recent Publications: Correa, José, Ricardo Montoya and Charles Thraves (2016): “Contingent Preannounced Pricing Policies with Strategic Consumers,” Operations Research,  64 (1) 251-272
Recent Awards and Honors: 2015 Best Student Paper at POMS: College of Supply Chain Management
2022 INFORMS Edelman Award

E-mail: · Web: link

Visiting Faculty

Skander Esseghaier

On leave from University of La Manouba, Tunisia
Ph.D. in Marketing, Columbia University, New York
Research interest: Internet marketing, software agents, internet user modeling, product recommendations, mass customization, personalization and data analytics, pricing, retailing and distribution channels, competitive strategies.
Recent Publications: Ahmed Timoumi, Skander Esseghaier and Levent Koçkesen “Should the Fox Guard the Henhouse? Category Captainship Arrangement as a Strategic Information Mechanism,” Production and Operations Management, Accepted May 2023.
Recent Awards and Honors: Paper on Internet Recommendation Systems was a finalist for the 2005 William F. O’Dell Award which honors the Journal of Marketing Research article published in 2000 that has made the most significant long-term contribution to marketing theory, methodology, and/or practice.
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In recent years, we have hosted several international research workshops (sponsored by ISCI) which attract top scholars in marketing and operations management from the US, Europe and South America.

Marketing keynote speakers in these workshops include K. Sudhir (Yale U.), Michel Wedel (U. Maryland), Greg Allenby (Ohio State University), Oleg Urminsky (U. Chicago), Brett Gordon (Northwestern U.),  Duncan Simester (MIT), Sanjog Misra (U. Chicago) and Deborah Small (Wharton).

Workshop in Management Science 2019
January 3-5, 2019
Santa Cruz, Chile

Interdisciplinary Choice Workshop 2018
August 7-10, 2018.
Santiago, Chile

Workshop in Management Science 2018
January 4 – 6, 2018.
Pucón, Chile

Workshop in Management Science 2017
January 5 – 7, 2017
Puerto Varas, Chile

Workshop in Consumer Analytics 2016
January 6 – 8, 2016
San Pedro de Atacama, Chile