



Andres Musalem

Associate Professor

Head of Academic Outreach

Industrial Engineering Dept., U. of Chile

Complex Engineering Systems Institute



Ph.D. in Marketing, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.

M.A. in Statistics, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.

M.B.A., University of Chile.

Industrial Engineer, University of Chile.

B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering, University of Chile.


Main Research interests:

Development and application of theory-driven methodologies to learn about consumer and firm behavior from limited, incomplete or aggregate information with applications to marketing, economics and operations management.



I am an Associate Professor at the Industrial Engineering Department of the University of Chile and a researcher at the Complex Engineering Systems Institute. I also lead the academic outreach efforts of my department seeking collaboration opportunities with other academic institutions. Prior to my appointment at the University of Chile, I joined the marketing area at the Fuqua School of Business of Duke University as an assistant professor. In terms of my training, I received a a B.Sc. and Professional Title in Industrial Engineering and an M.B.A. from the University of Chile and an A.M. in Statistics and a Ph.D. in Marketing from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.


My research interests are focused on the development and application of empirical methods for the study of consumer and firm behavior, with special emphasis on Bayesian methods, structural models and problems at the interface between marketing, operations management and economics. Some areas of application of my research include retail analytics, influencer marketing, word of mouth, brand loyalty, sales force capacity management, sales promotion, service quality, customer relationship management and consumer response to stockouts. In addition, during the COVID19 pandemic, I became interested in the study of lockdown compliance. An interesting feature of my research is that I often take advantage and combine multiple sources and types of information, such as retail transactions, mobility data, in-store videos, shelf images, social media posts and eye-tracking information.


My research has been published in top academic journals in marketing and operations management such as the Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Management Science, Manufacturing & Services Operations Management, Operations Research and Production and Operations Management. My research has received awards such as the Strategic Management Society (SMS) Research Methods Paper Prize and the MSOM Service Management SIG Best Paper Award and has been a finalist for the MSOM Society Best OM paper published in Management Science.


In terms of academic service, I am currently an Associate Editor for Manufacturing & Service Operations Management and an editorial board member for the International Journal of Research in Marketing. Finally, I have received teaching awards both at the undergraduate and MBA level.



Rudof-Harri Oberg and Andres Musalem (2025) "Consumer Response to Monetary Subsidies: A Structural Demand Analysis of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program" accepted at Marketing Science. Full Text, BibTex Citation.

Nicole DeHoratius, Andres Musalem and Robert Rooderkerk (2023) "Why Retailers Fail to Adopt Advanced Data Analytics," Harvard Business Review Online, February 27, 2023. Full Text, BibTex Citation.

Andres Musalem, Marcelo Olivares and Daniel Yung (2023) "Balancing Agent Retention and Waiting Time in Service Platforms," Operations Research, 71(3): 979-1003. Full Text, BibTex Citation.

Robert Rooderkerk, Nicole DeHoratius and Andres Musalem (2022) "The Past, Present, and Future of Retail Analytics: Insights from a Survey of Academic Research and Interviews with Practitioners," Production and Operations Management, 31(10): 3727-3748. Full Text, BibTex Citation.

Yogesh Joshi and Andres Musalem (2021), "Lockdowns lose one third of their impact on mobility in a month," Scientific Reports, 11:22658. Full Text, BibTex Citation, RIS Citation.

Yogesh Joshi and Andres Musalem (2021), "When Consumers Learn, Money Burns: Signaling Quality Via Advertising With Observational Learning And Word Of Mouth?," Marketing Science, 40(1):168-188. Full Text, BibTex Citation.

Andres Musalem, Ricardo Montoya, Martin Meiβner and Joel Huber (2021) "Components of Effort for Repeated Tasks," Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 34(1): 99-115. Full Text - DataSPSS - DataExcel, BibTex Citation.

Andres Musalem, Marcelo Olivares and Ariel Schilkrut (2021), "Retail in High Definition: Using Video Analytics in Salesforce Management," Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 23(5):1025-1042. Full Text, BibTex Citation.

Andres Musalem, Luis Aburto and Maximo Bosch (2018) "Market Basket Analysis Insights To Support Category Management", European Journal of Marketing, 52 (7/8): 1550-1573. Full Text, BibTex Citation.

Martin Meiβner, Andres Musalem and Joel Huber (2016), "Eye-Tracking Reveals Processes that Enable Conjoint Choices to Become Increasingly Efficient with Practice," Journal of Marketing Research (lead article). Full Text, BibTex Citation.

Steve Berry, Ahmed Khwaja, Vineet Kumar, Andres Musalem, Ken Wilbur, Greg Allenby, Bharat Anand, Pradeep Chintagunta, Michael Hanemann, Przemek Jeziorski and Angelo Mele (2014), "Structural Models of Complementary Choices," Marketing Letters, 25: 245-256. Full Text, BibTex Citation.

Yina Lu, Andres Musalem, Marcelo Olivares and Ariel Schilkrut (2013) "Measuring the Effect of Waiting Time on Customer Purchases,"Management Science, 59 (8): 1743-1763. Full Text, BibTex Citation.


- Finalist for the MSOM Society 2016 Best OM paper in Management Science

- 2015 MSOM Service Management SIG Best Paper Award

-Yina Lu was the recipient of the First Prize in the 2012 INFORMS MSOM Student Paper Competition for this manuscript

Andres Musalem, Marcelo Olivares, Eric Bradlow, Christian Terwiesch and Daniel Corsten (2010), "Structural Estimation of the Effect of Out of Stocks," Management Science, 56 (7): 1180-1197. Full Text, BibTex Citation.

Andres Musalem and Yogesh Joshi (2009), "How Much Should You Invest In Each Customer Relationship," Marketing Science, 28 (3): 555-565. Full Text, BibTex Citation.

Andres Musalem, Eric T. Bradlow and Jagmohan S. Raju (2009), "Bayesian Estimation of Random-Coefficients Choice Models using Aggregate Data," Journal of Applied Econometrics, 24 (3): 490-516. Full Text, Technical Appendix, BibTex Citation.

Andres Musalem, Eric T. Bradlow and Jagmohan S. Raju (2008), "Who's Got The Coupon: Estimating Consumer Preferences and Coupon Usage from Aggregate Information," Journal of Marketing Research, 45 (December): 715-730. Full Text , Technical Appendix, BibTex Citation.

Leopoldo Arias-Bolzmann, Orkun Sak, Andres Musalem, Len Lodish (2003), "Wine Pricing: the Influence of Country of Origin, Variety, and Wine Magazine Ratings", International Journal of Wine Marketing, 15 (2): 47-57. Link to journal, BibTex Citation.


Manuscripts Under Review:

Cristian Figueroa, Andres Musalem and Carlos Noton "Earthquakes and Brand Loyalty: Beyond the Short-Term Effects of Stockouts" - Full Text, under review at Quantitative Marketing and Economics.


Working Papers:

Jan Klostermann, Martin Meiβner and Andres Musalem "Post versus product engagement of influencer endorsement posts" - Full Text.

Andres Musalem, "When demand projections are too optimistic: A structural model of product line and pricing decisions" - Full Text.

Andres Musalem, Kenneth Wilbur and Patricio del Sol, "A Parsimonious Structural Model Of Individual Demand For Multiple Related Goods" - Full Text.

Yogesh Joshi and Andres Musalem, "Under-promising and over-delivering: strategic implications of word-of-mouth" - Full Text.


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