
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef __EG_2PCHECKER_H__
00002 #define __EG_2PCHECKER_H__
00003 #include <stdlib.h>
00004 #include <stdio.h>
00005 #include "eg_mempool.h"
00007 /* this function check a 2-Pie constraint, and return its violation (negative if
00008  * it is not violated) and the coefficient of each edge in each constraint in
00009  * the double array e_coeff (that should have been alocated before calling this
00010  * function */
00011 int EG2pChecker (int const nnodes,
00012                  int const nedges,
00013                  int const *const edges,
00014                  double const *const weight,
00015                  int const n_ineq,
00016                  int const *const n2_dom,
00017                  int **const n_Aset,
00018                  int **const n_Bset,
00019                  int **const n_Tset,
00020                  int const *const n_Ahandle,
00021                  int const *const n_Bhandle,
00022                  int ***const Aset,
00023                  int ***const Bset,
00024                  int ***const Tset,
00025                  int **const Ahandle,
00026                  int **const Bhandle,
00027                  double *const violation,
00028                  int **const e_coeff);
00030 #endif

Generated on Thu Oct 20 14:58:40 2005 for DominoParitySeparator by  doxygen 1.4.5