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Denis Sauré
Associate Professor
Industrial Engineering Department
University of Chile
Republica 701, Santiago, Chile
Phone: +56 2 29784038
Email: dsaure at dii.uchile.cl
I obtained a M.Sc. in Operations Management from the University of Chile and a Ph.D. in Operations Research from Columbia University.
Afterwards, I was at the University of Pittsburgh as an assistant professor. Now I am back at the University of Chile, as an associate professor. I am also part of the Institute of Complex Engineering Systems (ISCI).
You can find my (recently updated) cv here.
Research Interests
My research interests lie in the general area of stochastic modeling and its applications to service operations, revenue management, and healthcare!
In particular, my research focuses in data-driven approaches to decision-making under uncertainty, and their application in the retail industry, on line advertisement, and service systems in general.
Lately I am devoting a growing number of hours to tackle these kind of problems, in healthcare
Research Papers
- D. Sauré, M. O’Ryan, JP. Torres, N. Trigo, G. Diaz M. Goic, C. Thraves, J. Pacheco, P. Aguilera, A. Caro, L. Basso, "Cost-savings and Health Impact of Strategies for Prevention of Respiratory Syncytial Virus with Nirsevimab in Chile Based on the Integrated Analysis of 2019-2023 National Databased: A Retrospective Study." Journal of Infection and Public Health, forthcoming.
- A. Alvarez, A. Cataldo, G. Durán, M. Durán, P. Galaz, I. Monardo, D. Sauré, “Data Science Approach to Simulating the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 at a Website in Tribute to Maradona.” Computational Statistics, 2024.
- J. Borrero, D. Sauré, N. Trigo, "Optimal Sequential Shortest Path Interdiction." Submitted for publication.[PDF]
- J. Borrero, D. Sauré, "Maximum Likelihood Probability Measures over Sets and Applications to Data-Driven Optimization." Submitted for publication.[PDF]
- F. Bernstein, S. Modaresi, D. Sauré, "Exploration Optimization for Dynamic Assortment Personalization under Linear Preferences." Submitted for publication. [PDF]
- JP. Torres, L. Basso, D. Sauré, M. Zuniga, M. Farfan, V. De la Maza, N. Campos, M. O'Ryan, "Transdisciplinary research before, during and after COVID-19 vaccination in Chile: A virtuoso collaboration with future perspectives", Frontiers in Public Health, forthcoming, 2024.
- A. Gaete-Argel, V. Saavedra-Alarcón, D. Sauré, L. Alonso-Palomares, M. Acevedo, M. Alarcón, S. Bueno, A. Kalergis, R. Soto-Rifo, F. Valiente-Echeverría, C. Cortes, "Impact of Homologous and Heterologous Booster in Neutralizing Antibodies Titers Against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron in Solid-organ Transplant Recipients", Frontiers in Immunology, Volume 14, 2023. [PDF]
- D. Sauré, I. Neira, M. Goic, M. O'Ryan, JP. Torres, A. Bruhn, M. Ferres, J. Angulo-Troncoso, M. Vera, L. Basso, "Infection with SARS-CoV-2 Variant Gamma (P.1) in Chile Increased ICU Admission Risk Three to Five-Fold". PLoS ONE, Open Access, 2023. [PDF]
- D. Sauré, M. O'Ryan, JP. Torres, I. Neira, M. Zuniga, R. Soto-Rifo, F. Valiente-Echeverria, A. Gaete-Argel, V. Saavedra, M. Acevedo, C. Archila, F. Acuna, M. rain, L. Basso, "COVID-19 lateral flow IgG seropositivity and serum neutralizing antibody responses after primary and booster vaccinations in Chile: an observational study", The Lancet Microbe, 4(3), 149-158, 2023. [PDF]
- L. Basso, M. Goic, M. Olivares, D. Sauré, C. Thraves, A. Carranza, G. Weintraub, J. Covarrubias, C. Escobedo, N. Jara, A. Moreno, D. Arancibia, M. Fuenzalida, J. Uribe, F. Zuniga, M. Zuniga, M. O'Ryan, E. Santelices, J. Torres, M. Badal, M. Bozanic, S. Cancino, E. Lara, I. Neira, "Analytics Saves Lives During the Covid Crisis in Chile". INFORMS Journal of Applied Analytics, 53(1), 9-31, 2023.
2022 Franz Edelman Award, First Prize. [PDF]
- JP. Torres, D. Sauré, L. Basso, M. Zuniga, A. Cazor, M. O'Ryan, "SARS-COV-2 IgG positivity in vaccinated and non-vaccinated Chilean children: a national cross-sectional study in schools". International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 121, 89-91, 2022. [PDF]
- D. Sauré, M. O'Ryan, JP. Torres, M. Zuniga, E. Santelices, L. Basso, "Dynamic IgG Seropositivity in Chile following rollout of an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (CoronaVac) and an mRNA vaccine (BTN162b2): a sentinel surveillance study". The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 22(1), 56-63, 2022. [PDF]
- L. Basso, V. Salinas, D. Sauré, C. Thraves, N. Yankovic, "The Effect of Correlation and False Negatives in Pool Testing Strategies for COVID-19". Health Care Management Science, 25(1), 146-165, 2022. [PDF]
- J. Borrero, O. Prokopyev, D. Sauré, "Learning in Sequential Bilevel Programming". INFORMS Journal on Optimization, 4(2), 125-247, 2022. [PDF]
- T. Lagos, M. Armstrong, T. Homen-de-Mello, G. lagos, D. Sauré, "A Framework for Adaptive Open-pit Mining Planing Under Geological Uncertainty". Optimization and Engineering, 23, 111-146, 2022. [PDF]
- T. Lagos, M. Armstrong, T. Homen-de-Mello, G. lagos, D. Sauré, "Adaptive Open-pit Mining Planing Under Geological Uncertainty". Resources Policy, 27, 2021. [PDF]
- J. Yang, J. Borrero, O. Prokopyev, D. Sauré, "Sequential Shortest Path Interdiction with Incomplete Information and Limited Feedback". Decision Analysis, 18(3), 218-244, 2021. [PDF]
- G. Durán, F. Gutiérrez, M. Guajardo, J. Marenco, D. Sauré, G. Zamorano, "Scheduling the Main Professional Football League of Argentina", INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, 51(5), 361-372, 2021. [PDF]
2020 Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in the Practice of Advanced Analytics and Operations Research, Finalist.
- H. Zare, O. Prokopyev, D. Sauré, "On Bilevel Optimization with Inexact Follower". Decision Analysis 17(1), 74-95, 2020. [PDF]
- S. Modaresi, D. Sauré and J. P. Vielma, "Learning in Combinatorial Optimization: what and how to explore", Operations Research, 68(5), 1585-1604, 2020. [PDF]
JFIG INFORMS 2013 Paper Competition, Second Prize.
- S. Cea, G. Durán, M. Guajardo, D. Sauré, J. Siebert, G. Zamorano, "An Analytics Approach to the FIFA Ranking Procedure and the World Cup Final Draw", Annals of Operations Research, 286, 119-146, 2020. [PDF]
- R. Caldentey, F. Castro, R. Epstein and D. Sauré, "Optimal Timing of a Multi-stage Project Under Market Uncertainty" Working paper, 2019. [PDF]
- J. Borrero, O. Prokopyev, D. Sauré, "Sequential Interdiction with Incomplete Information and Learning". Operations Research, 67(1), 72-89, 2019. [PDF]
- D. Sauré and J. P. Vielma, "Ellipsoidal Methods for Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis". Operations Research, 67(2), 315-338, 2019. [PDF]
- F. Bernstein, S. Modaresi, and D. Sauré, "A Dynamic Clustering Approach to Data-Driven Assortment Personalization". Management Science, 65(5), 2095-2115, 2019. [PDF]
2018 INFORMS MSOM Student Paper Competition, First prize
- G. Durán, M. Guajardo, D. Sauré, "Scheduling the South Americal Qualifiers to the 2018 FIFA World Cup by Integer Programming", EJOR, 262(3) 1109-1115, 2017. [PDF]
2018 Euro Excellence in Practice Award, Finalist.
- F. Alarcón, D. Sauré, A. Weintraub, R. Wolf-Yadlin, G. Zamorano, G. Durán, M. Guajardo, J. Miranda, M. Siebert, S. Souyris, H. Muñoz, L. Ramírez, M. Ramírez, "Operations Research Transforms Scheduling of Chilean Soccer Leagues and South American World Cup Qualifiers". Interfaces, 47(1), 52-69, 2017. [PDF]
2016 Franz Edelman Award, Finalist.
- R. Caldentey, R. Epstein and D. Sauré, "Optimal Exploitation of a Mineral Resource under Stochastic Market Prices," in "Real Options in Energy and Commodity Markets," Chapter 4, 117-171, 2017. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. [PDF]
- J. Borrero, O. Prokopyev, D. Sauré, "Sequential Shortest Path Interdiction with Incomplete Information". Decision Analysis, 13(1), 68-98, 2016. [PDF]
- O. Besbes and D. Sauré, "Product Assortment and Price Competition Under Multinomial Logit Demand." POMS, 25(1), 114-127, 2016. [PDF]
- A. Khademi, D. Sauré, A. Schaefer, S. Braithwaite and M. Roberts, "The Price of Non-abandonment: HIV in Resource-Limited Settings." MSOM, 17(4), 554-570, 2015. [PDF]
2012 Pierskalla Best Paper Award, Finalist.
- A. Khademi, D. Sauré, S. Braithwaite, A. Schaefer, K. Nucifora and M. Roberts, "Treatment in Resource-Limited Environments: Treatment Coverage and Insights". Value in Health, 18(8), 1113-1119, 2015. [PDF]
- A. Khademi, S. Braithwaite, D. Sauré, A. Schaefer, K. Nucifora and M. Roberts, "Should expectations about the rate of new antiretroviral drug development impact the timing of HIV treatment initiation and expectations about treatment benefits?". PLoS ONE, 9(6), 1-8, 2014 [PDF].
- O. Besbes and D. Sauré, "Dynamic Pricing Strategies in the Presence of Demand Shifts." MSOM, 16(4), 513-528, 2014. [PDF]
- D. Sauré and A. Zeevi, "Dynamic Learning and Customization in Display-based Online Advertisement." Working paper.
- D. Sauré and A. Zeevi, "Optimal Dynamic Assortment Planning with Demand Learning. MSOM, 15(3), 387-404, 2013. [PDF]
2009 INFORMS MSOM Student Paper Competition, First prize
- V.Farias, D. Sauré and G. Weintraub, "An Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach to Solving Dynamic Oligopoly Models." RAND Journal of Economics, 43, 253-282, 2012. [PDF] [Download Java code]
[Code documentation]
2009 INFORMS JFIG Paper Competition, Second prize
- D. Sauré, A. Zeevi and P. Glynn , "A Linear Programming Algorithm for Computing the Stationary Distribution of Semimartingale Reflected Brownian Motion". Working paper. [PDF] [Download Matlab code]
- G. Durán, M. Guajardo, J. Miranda, D. Sauré, S. Souyris, A. Weintraub, "Scheduling the Chilean Soccer League by Integer Programming", Interfaces, 37, 539--552, 2007. [PDF]