Doctoral Students and Postdocs: (current position)
- Svenja Griesbach, Postdoc 2024-2025.
- Vasilis Livanos, Postdoc 2024.
- Maximilian Fichtl, Postdoc 2023-2024.
- Felipe Subiabre, PhD. Eng. Systems, 2024 (Postdoc Stanford U).
- Ulrike Schmidt-Kraepelin, Postdoc 2023. (Assistant Prof TU-Eindhoven)
- Alexandros Tsigonias-Dimitriadis, Postdoc 2022-2023. (Data Scientist, European Central Bank)
- Andres Cristi, PhD. Eng. Systems, 2023 (Assistant Prof EPFL).
- Laura Vargas Koch, Postdoc 2022 (Assistant Prof RWTH Aachen).
- Dana Pizarro, PhD. Eng. Systems, 2020 (Assistant Prof Toulouse Business School).
- Laurent Feuilloley, Postodc, Sep 2019-May 2020 (CNRS Researcher).
- Victor Verdugo, PhD. Eng. Systems 2018 (Assistant Prof Catholic U.).
- Tim Oosterwijk, Postdoc 2018 (Assistant Prof VU Amsterdam).
- Kevin Schewior, Postdoc 2017-2018 (Assistant Prof U. Cologne).
- Jackie Zhang, Postdoc 2016-2017 (Assistant Prof Xiamen University).
- Marc Shroeder, Postdoc, Sep 2016-Aug 2017 (Assistant Prof Maastricht U.).
- Ruben Hoeksma, Postdoc Sep 2015-Aug 2016. (Assistant Prof U. Twente).
- Felipe Muñoz, PhD. Eng. Systems, 2016. (Assistant Prof U. BioBio)
- Jannik Matuschke, Postdoc, Sep 2013-Apr 2014 (Associate Prof KU Leuven).
- Jose Verschae, Postdoc Mar 2012-Jun 2014 (Associate Prof Catholic U.).
Master Students:
- Jorge Hewstone, M.S. Data Science
- Ivan Meneses, M.S. Data Science
- Ignacia Segura, M.S. Oper Mgmt, 2024 (McKinsey & Company).
- Gonzalo Diaz, M.S. Public Policy, 2022 (PhD student Cornell).
- Benjamin Barrientos, M.S. Oper Mgmt, 2022 (PhD student MIT).
- Matias Romero, M.S. Oper Mgmt, 2022 (PhD student Columbia).
- Javier Cembrano, M.S. Oper Mgmt, 2021 (PhD TU-Berlin, Postdoc MPI Informatik).
- Boris Epstein, M.S. Oper Mgmt, 2020 (PhD student Columbia).
- Raimundo Saona, M.S. Applied Math, 2019 (PhD student IST Austria).
- Cristobal Beltran, M.Eng. Industrial Eng. 2018 (Engineer at CMM, co-founder Mekero).
- Andres Cristi, M.S. Oper Mgmt 2018 (PhD U. Chile, Assitant Prof EPFL).
- Fan Wang, M.Eng. Applied Math 2017 (Entrepreneur).
- Natalie Epstein, M.S. Oper Mgmt, 2017 (McKinsey & Company, PhD student Harvard).
- Patricio Foncea, M.S. Oper Mgmt, 2017 (PhD MIT, Research Scientist Lyft).
- Bastián Bahamondes, M.S.Oper Mgmt, 2016 (PhD student Georgia Tech).
- Eduardo Zúniga, M.S. Applied Math, 2015 (PhD U. Chile, Assistant Prof UDP).
- Andres Perlroth, M.S. Economics, 2015 (PhD Stanford, Research Scientist at Google).
- Alberto Vera, M.S. Oper Mgmt, 2015 (PhD Cornell, Research Scientist at Amazon).
- Victor Verdugo, M.S. Oper Mgmt 2014 (PhD ENS-U. Chile, Assistant Prof Catholic U.).
- Pablo Koch, M.S. Applied Math, 2014 (Engineer Centro Sismologico Nacional).
- Orlando Rivera, M.S. Applied Math, 2012 (PhD U. Adolfo Ibanez, Postdoc U. Bordeaux).
- Omar Larre, M.S. Applied Math 2010, M.S. Oper Mgmt 2012 (CFO and Cofounder Fintual).
- Charles Thraves, M.S. Oper Mgmt, 2011 (PhD MIT, Assistant Prof U. Chile).
- Jose Verschae, M.S. Applied Math 2008 (PhD TU-Berlin, Associate Prof Catholic U.).
Interns and Visiting Students:
Samuel Boite, Mar-Jun 2024;
Raimundo Saona, Jan 2024;
Gabriel Buffet, Mar-June 2023;
Evangelia Gergatsouli, Mar-May 2023;
Vasilis Livanos, Jan 2023;
Emile Naquin, Nov 2022 - Feb 2023; Markus Utke, Nov 2022 - Feb 2023, Alexandros Tsigonias-Dimitriadis, Nov-Dec 2019; Mathieu Mari, Mar-Jun 2019; Andrew Xia, Jan-Jul 2019;
Abner Turkieltaub, Sep 2018-Jun 2019; Carlos Bonet, Mar 2017-Jun 2018; Rafael Colares, Nov-Dec 2017; Ulrike Schmidt-Kraepelin, Aug-Oct 2017; Florent Koechlin, Jun-Aug 2016; Tim Oosterwijk, Apr-Jul 2016; Olivier Marty, Jun-Aug 2015; Mona Rahn, May-Jun 2014; Laurent Feuilloley, Mar-Aug 2013; Oscar Vasquez, Sep 2012-Jan 2013; Sebastian Marban, Oct-Dec 2010; Cristobal Guzman, Apr-Aug 2010; Lorenzo Reus, Jan-Aug 2009.