Velásquez Juan

Identifying user sessions from web server logs with integer programming. Pablo E. Román, Robert F. Dell, Juan D. Velásquez, Pablo S. Loyola

A neurology-inspired model of web usage. Pablo E. Román, Juan D. Velásquez.

Identifying web sessions with simulated annealing. Tomás Arcea, Pablo E. Román, Juan Velásquez, Víctor Parada

Detecting trends on the web: a multidisciplinary approach. R. Fernández , Juan Velásquez, Gastón L`Huillier

Characterization and detection of taxpayers with false invoices using data mining techniques

Web Mining and privacy concerns: Some important legal issues to be consider before applying any data and information extraction technique in Web-based environments. Juan Velásquez

Tratamiento de datos personales en internet. Velásquez, J.D. y Lorena Donoso

Combining eye-tracking technologies with web usage mining for identifying Website Keyobjects. Juan Velásquez

Una aplicación de web opinion mining para la extracción de tendencias y tópicos de relevancia a partir de las opiniones consignadas en blogs y sitios de noticias. Rodrigo Dueñas F. ,Juan D. Velásquez.

Text mining applied to plagiarism detection: the use of words for detecting deviations in the writing style. Oberreuter, Gabriel, Velásquez, Juan D

Predicting web user behavior using learning-based ant colony optimization. Loyola, P, Román, P.E., Velásquez, Juan

Extracting significant Website Key Objects: A Semantic Web mining approach. Velásquez, Juan; Dujovne, Luis ; L`Huillier, Gaston