13:30-14:25 horas, sala Asamblea, Torre Oriente (Beauchef 851, 4° piso, Santiago)
Invitado: Gabriel Weintraub, Profesor Asociado de Stanford Graduate School of Business
Título conferencia: “An Engineer as Economist: Experiences as AppNexus Chief Economist”
Este ciclo convoca charlas de distinguidos académicos nacionales y extranjeros en temas de investigación en areas afines a gestion, incluyendo Gestion de Operaciones, Investigación Operativa, Marketing, Tecnologias de Informacion, Economia Conductual, entre otros. Este seminario esta dirigido a academicos, post-docs, alumnos de post-grado y alumnos de pre-grado que trabajen en investigacion.
The information revolution has generated a sea of change in how markets function: now, markets are typically complex platforms, with a range of mechanisms involved in facilitating matches among participants. Recent trends point to an unprecedented level of control over the design, implementation, and operation of markets: more than ever before, we are able to engineer the platforms governing transactions among participants. In this talk we discuss some of these general trends with a particular emphasis on markets for display advertising, an industry that has grown to around US$ 37 billion yearly spending just in the US. We specifically examine some of the most interesting applied market design challenges faced by AppNexus, an internet technology company that enables a marketplace to transact display advertising in real-time. We also discuss related research opportunities.
Organizan: Ingeniería Industrial U. Chile e Instituto Sistemas Complejos de Ingeniería (ISCI)
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Más información: Pamela Tapia / ptapia@dii.uchile.cl