13:30- 14:30 horas, Sala Asamblea, Beauchef Poniente, 4to piso (Beauchef 851, Santiago)
Invitado: Carlos Gómez. PhD Electrical Engineering, MIT
Título de la conferencia: “Recommender Systems: A Netflix Case Study”
We discuss the various algorithms that make up the Netflix recommender system, and describe the business purpose of the recommender system. We also describe the role of search and related algorithms, which for Netflix turns into a recommendations problem as well. We explain the motivations behind and review the approach that we use to improve the recommendation algorithms, combining A/B testing focused on improving member retention and medium term engagement, as well as offline experimentation using historical member engagement data. We discuss some of the issues in designing and interpreting A/B tests. Finally, we describe some current areas of focused innovation, which include making our recommender system global and language aware.
During the past 10 years Carlos Gómez has worked at several companies in Silicon Valley, including Google, Netflix, Facebook, focusing on algorithms and Data Science.
Almuerzos previa inscripción desde las 13:15
Organiza: Instituto Sistemas Complejos de Ingeniería (ISCI)
Consultas: seminarios@isci.cl