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Conferencia Cecilia Testart, “Internet security and privacy”


14:30 horas, Beauchef 851, Santiago (sala 401, Torre Oriente)

Cecilia Testart, ex alumna de Ingeniería Industrial quien actualmente cursa un doctorado en MIT

Título de la conferencia: “Internet security and privacy”


The decentralized architecture of the Internet, which has been key to its development and worldwide deployment, is making it challenging to secure user experience with devices connected to the
Internet. In this talk, I will first give insights into the broad institutional ecosystem of public, private and international organizations contributing to cyber security drawn from a framework made using semi-supervised learning clustering on a database describing the institutions and their work on cyber security. In the second part, I will focus on the security and privacy of user’s voice records in speech recognition for command and control by studying encryption schemes to preserve user privacy, preventing the extraction of user specific information from voice records of voice-enabled devices.

BIO expositora

Cecilia Testart is a PhD student working in the Advanced Network Group and the Internet Policy Research Initiative at CSAIL, the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab at MIT. Her research focus at the intersection of policy and cyber security, looking to understand how the different players in the ecosystem interact and influence the overall security of internet users’ experience. Prior to MIT, she worked for the Chilean office of the French Institute for computer science Inria and the research lab of the .CL, the Chilean top-level domain. She holds a S.M. in Technology and Policy  and a S.M. in Computer Science from MIT, B.S in Engineering from Ecole Centrale Paris and B.S in Industrial Engineering from Universidad de Chile.


Más información e inscripciones: pamela Tapia / ptapia@dii.uchile.cl