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Seminario: “Data-driven and model-based computational methods to track mind-wandering in health and disease”


Speaker: Marieke van Vugt,  Assistant Professor, Bernoulli Institute of Mathematics, Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen.
Her research aims to understand how, when, and why we mind-wander. She is also fascinated by how this mind-wandering process is adaptive–as in the case of creativity–and when it becomes maladaptive, as is the case for depressive rumination. She uses a multimodal approach that combines computational modeling, scalp and intracranial EEG, behavioral studies, and eye-tracking. In addition, she is interested in how meditation practice affects our cognitive system, and she investigates meditation in both Western practitioners and Tibetan monks.

Lugar: Sala 401 BP 851 (Sala consejo- Asamblea Torre DII), modalidad híbrida.

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ID de reunión: 953 3171 0627 – Código de acceso: 134312