Artículo Internacional

A combinatorial heuristic approach for solving real-size machinery location and road design problems in forestry planning. Rafael Epstein, Andrés Weintraub, Pedro Sapunar, Enrique Nieto, Julian B. Sessions, John Sessions, Fernando Bustamante, Hugo Musante

A Dynamic Objective Subjective Structure for Forest Management.M. I. HENIG, A.WEINTRAUB

Operations research models and the management of agricultural and forestry resources. A review and comparison.Andrés Weintraub, Carlos Romero,

Review of combinatorial problems induced by spatial forest harvesting planning. Andres Weintraub, Alan T. Murray

A tabu search approach for solving a difficult forest harvesting machine location problem. Andres Diaz Leguës, Jacques A. Ferland , Celso C. Ribeiro, Jorge R. Vera, Andres Weintraub

Improving computational capabilities for addressing volume constraints in forest harvest scheduling problems. Juan Pablo Vielma , Alan T. Murray, David M. Ryan, Andres Weintraub

Integer programming in forestry. Andres Weintraub P.

Scheduling the Chilean Soccer League by integer programming. Guillermo Durán, Mario Guajardo, Jaime Miranda, Denis Sauré, Sebastián Souyris, Andres Weintraub, Rodrigo Wolf,

Using operational research for supply chain planning in the forest products industry. Sophie D’Amours, Mikael Ronnqvist, Andrés Weintraub

A Review of Operations Research in Mine Planning. Alexandra M. Newman, Enrique Rubio, Rodrigo Caro, Andrés Weintraub, Kelly Eurek

Optimizing location and size of rural schools in Chile. Fernando Araya, Robert Dell, Pedro Donoso, Vladimir Marianov, Francisco Martínez, Andrés Weintraub

Stochastic Optimization Models in Forest Planning- A Progressive Hedging Approach. Fernando Badilla Veliz · Jean-PaulWatson · AndresWeintraub · Roger J.-B. Wets · David L. Woodruff