Capítulos de Libros

Web usage data pre-processing. L’Huillier, Gaston y Velásquez, Juan D.

Web opinion mining and sentimental analysis. Taylor, Edison Marrese, Rodríguez, Cristián, Velásquez, Juan D , Ghosh, Goldina y Banerjee, Soumya.

Cognitive science for web usage analysis. Román, Pablo E y Velásquez, Juan D.

A web browsing cognitive model. Román, Pablo E y Velásquez, Juan D.

Advanced Techniques in Web Intelligence -2. Velásquez, J.D. , Palade, Vasile , Jain, L.C.

Semi-supervised constrained clustering with cluster outlier filtering. Cristián Bravo, Richard Weber

The effects of derivatives on underlying financial markets: equity options, commodity derivatives and credit default swaps. William Arrata, Alejandro Bernales y Virginie Coudert

Resolving the african financial development gap: cross-country comparisons and a within-country study of Kenya forthcoming. Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti, Robert Cull, Jun Qian, Lemma Senbet y Patricio Valenzuela

Does finance accelerate or retard growth? Theory and evidence forthcoming global citizen foundation, in towards a better global economy: Policy implications for citizens worldwide in the 21st Century. Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti, Jun Qian y Patricio Valenzuela

Financial intermediaries, markets and alternative financial sectors. The Handbook of the Economics of Finance, North Holland – Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti, Jun Qian y Patricio Valenzuela

Tratamiento de datos personales en internet. Velásquez, J.D. y Lorena Donoso
