República 701
Santiago, 8370439
e-mail: fordon at dii.uchile.cl
I joined the Industrial Engineering Department at Universidad de Chile in
2009. Prior to that I was at the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department
at the University of Southern California, from where I still hold an
Adjunct Research appointment.
I received my Mathematical Engineering degree and BS from Universidad de
Chile and my Ph.D. in Operations Research from MIT, working with
professor Robert M. Freund..
research focuses on convex and robust optimization, complexity of algorithms,
sensitivity analysis, and applications of optimization to
engineering and management science.
My research has been supported with grants from the National Science
Foundation, PATH, Caltrans, Department of Homeland Security and
Department of Transportation in the United States and Conicyt and the
Institute Milenium in Chile.
This has led to published work in journals such as Operations Research,
Transportation Science, Mathematics of Operations Research, IIE Transactions,
and highly selective conference proceedings AAMAS, IJCAI.
I have received the Wagner prize for Excellence in Operations Research practice
and the Rist Prize of the Military Operations Research Society.
Refereed Articles
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all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright
holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here
electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this
information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each
author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the
explicit permission of the copyright holder.
"Computational Experience and the Explanatory Value of Condition Measures
for Linear Optimization," by
F. Ordóñez and R.M. Freund. SIAM J. Optim. Vol 14,
No. 2, pp. 307--333. 2003.
"Optimal Information Extraction in Energy-Limited Wireless
Sensor Networks," by F. Ordóñez and
B. Krishnamachari.
IEEE JSAC. Vol 22, No. 6,
special issue on Fundamental Performance Limits of Wireless Sensor
Networks, pp. 1121--1129, 2004.
"On an Extension of Condition Number Theory to Non-Conic
Convex Optimization," by R.M. Freund and F. Ordóñez.
Math of OR. Vol 30,
No. 1, pp. 173--194. 2005. (The slightly longer working paper version
is available
-- USC-ISE Working paper #2003-01)
"Scaling Laws from Statistical Data and Dimensional Analysis," by
P. F. Mendez and F. Ordóñez,
ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics. Vol 72, No. 5, pp. 648--657, 2005.
"A Modeling Framework for Facility Location of Medical
Services for Large-Scale Emergencies," by
H. Jia, F. Ordóñez and M. Dessouky,
IIE Transactions. Vol 39, No. 1, pp. 41--55, 2007.
"Behavioral measures and their correlation with IPM iteration counts
on Semi-Definite Programming Problems," by
R.M. Freund, F. Ordóñez, and K.C. Toh.
Math Programming B. Vol 109, No. 2-3, pp. 445--475, 2007.
"Solution Approaches for Facility Location of Medical Supplies
for Large-Scale Emergencies,"
by H. Jia, F. Ordóñez, and M.M. Dessouky.
Computers & IE. Vol. 52, pp. 257--276, 2007.
"Robust Capacity Expansion of Network Flows," by
F. Ordóñez and J. Zhao,
Networks, Vol 50, No. 2, pp 136--145, 2007.
"A priori performance measures for arc-based formulations of
the Vehicle Routing Problem," by
F. Ordóñez, I. Sungur, and M. M. Dessouky.
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the TRB, Vol 2032, pp. 53--62,
"Scaling Laws as a Tool of Materials Informatics," by
P.F. Mendez, R. Furrer, R. Ford, F. Ordóñez,
JOM: The Member Journal of TMS, Vol 60(3), pp. 60--65,
"Robust Solutions for Network Design under Transportation Cost and
Demand Uncertainty,"
by S. Mudchanatongsuk, F. Ordóñez, and J. Liu.
JORS, Vol 59, pp. 652--662, 2008.
"Mobility Allowance Shuttle Transit (MAST)
Services: MIP formulation and strengthening with logic constraints,"
by L. Quadrifoglio, M.M. Dessouky, and F. Ordóñez.
EJOR. Vol. 185, pp. 481--494, 2008.
"A Robust Optimization Approach for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing
Problem with Demand Uncertainty,"
by I. Sungur, F. Ordóñez, and M.M. Dessouky.
IIE Transactions, Vol 40, No. 5, pp. 509--523, 2008
"A Simulation Study of Demand Responsive Transit System Design,"
by L. Quadrifoglio, M.M. Dessouky, and F. Ordóñez.
Transportation Research-A, 42(4):718--737, 2008.
"Robust Optimization Models for Energy-limited Wireless Sensor Networks
under Distance Uncertainty,"
by W. Ye, and F. Ordóñez.
IEEE Transactions on WirelessCom, 7(6):2161--2169, 2008.
"A Two-stage Stochastic Programming Model for
Transportation Network Protection,"
by C. Liu, Y. Fan, and F. Ordóñez.
Computers & Operations Research, 36(5):1582--1590, 2009.
"Heuristic Approaches for the Inventory-Routing Problem with Backlogging,"
by T. F. Abdelmaguid, M. M. Dessouky, and F. Ordóñez.
Computers & IE, 56(4):1519--1534, 2009.
"A Two-stage Vehicle Routing Model for Large-scale Bioterrorism Emergencies,"
by Z. Shen, M. M. Dessouky, and F. Ordóñez. Networks, 54(4):255--269, 2009
"Coordinating randomized policies for increasing security of agent systems,"
P. Paruchuri, J. P. Pearce, J. Marecki, M. Tambe,
F. Ordóñez, and S. Kraus. Journal of Information Technology and Management, 10(1):67--79, 2009.
"Wardrop Equilibria with Risk-Averse Users,"
by F. Ordóñez, and N.E. Stier-Moses. Transportation Science, 44(1):63--86, 2010.
"A Model and Algorithm for the Courier Delivery Problem with Uncertainty,"
I. Sungur, Y. Ren, F. Ordóñez, M. M. Dessouky, and H. Zhong. Transportation Science, 44(2):193--205, 2010.
"A Delay Estimation Technique for Single and Double-track Railroads,"
P. Murali, M. M. Dessouky, F. Ordóñez, and K. Palmer.
Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 46(4), pp 483--495, 2010.
"The Multi-shift Vehicle Routing Problem with Overtime,"
Y. Ren, M.M. Dessouky, and F. Ordóñez.
Computers & Operations Research, 37(11):1987--1998, 2010.
"Software Assistants for Patrol Planning at LAX and Federal Air Marshals Service,"
M. Jain, J. Tsai, J. Pita, C. Kiekintveld, S. Rathi, F. Ordóñez, and
M. Tambe. Interfaces, 40(4), pp 267--290, 2010.
"Robust Solutions to Stackelberg Games: Addressing Bounded Rationality and Limited Observations in Human Cognition,"
J. Pita, M. Jain, M. Tambe, F. Ordóñez, and S. Kraus. Artificial Intelligence, 174(15), pp. 1142--1171, 2010.
"Discounted Robust Stochastic Games and an Application to Queueing Control,"
E. Kardes, F. Ordóñez, and R.W. Hall.
Operations Research, 59(2), pp. 365--382, 2011.
"Perishable Inventory Management System with A Minimum Volume Constraint,"
Z. Shen, M. M. Dessouky, and F. Ordóñez. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 62(12), pp. 2063--2082, 2011.
"Facility Location under Demand Uncertainty: Response to a Large-scale Bioterror Attack,"
P. Murali, F. Ordóñez, and M.M. Dessouky. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 46(1), pp. 78--87, 2012.
"Allocation Algorithms for Personal TV Advertisements,"
R. Adany, S. Kraus, and F. Ordóñez. Multimedia Systems, 19(2), pp. 79--93, 2013.
"A Robust Optimization Approach to Dispatching Technicians under Stochastic Service Times,"
S. Souyris, C. E. Cortés, F. Ordóñez, A. Weintraub, Optimization Letters, 7(7), pp. 1549--1568, 2013.
"Improving Resource Allocation Strategies Against Human Adversaries in Security Games:
An Extended Study,"
R. Yang, C. Kiekintveld, F. Ordóñez, M. Tambe, R. John, Artificial Intelligence, 195, pp. 440--495, 2013.
"Ridesharing: The state-of-the-art and future directions,"
M. Furuhata, M.M. Dessouky, F. Ordóñez, M.-E. Brunet, X. Wang, S. Koenig.
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 57(1), pp. 28--46, 2013
"A Deployed Quantal Response Based Patrol Planning System for the US Coast Guard,"
B. An, F. Ordóñez, M. Tambe, E. Shieh, R. Yang, C. Baldwin, J. Di Renzo,
B. Maule, G. Meyer, K. Moretti. Interfaces, 43(5), 400-420 2013
"Optimal Resource Allocation Response to a Smallpox Outbreak,"
Y. Ren, F. Ordóñez, and S. Wu. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 22(2), pp. 325--337, 2013
"An Extended Study on Multi-Objective Security Games,"
M. Brown, B. An, C. Kiekintveld, F. Ordóñez,
M. Tambe. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agents Systems, 28(1), pp. 31--71, 2014
"Security Routing Games with Multi-vehicle Chinese Postman Problem,"
D. S. Hochbaum, C. Lyu, F. Ordóñez.
Networks, 64(3), pp. 181--191, 2014
"Online Cost-Sharing Mechanism Design for Demand-Responsive Transport Systems,"
M. Furuhata, K. Daniel, S. Koenig, F. Ordóñez, M.M. Dessouky,
M.-E. Brunet, L. Cohen, X. Wang. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 16, pp. 692--707, 2015
"A Traffic Assignment Model For A Ridesharing Transportation Market,"
H. Xu, F. Ordóñez, M. M. Dessouky.
Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol 49, pp. 793--816, 2015.
"Joint Location-inventory Problem with Differentiated Service Levels Using Critical Level Policy,"
P. Escalona, F. Ordóñez, V. Marianov. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation
Review, 83, pp. 141--157, 2015.
"Complementarity Models For Traffic Equilibrium with Ridesharing,"
H. Xu, J.-S. Pang, F. Ordóñez, M. M. Dessouky.
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 81, pp. 161--182, 2015.
"Routing Courier Delivery Services with Urgent Demand,"
C. Wang, F. Ordóñez, M. M. Dessouky.
INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 53, pp. 26--39, 2015.
"Modeling Strategies for Effectively Routing Freight Trains Through Complex Networks,"
P. Muraly, M. M. Dessouky, F. Ordóñez.
Transportation Research Part C, 70, pp. 197--213, 2016.
"A Pickup and Delivery Problem for Ridesharing Considering Congestion,"
X. Wang, M. M. Dessouky, F. Ordóñez.
Transportation Letters, 8, pp. 259--269, 2016.
"Convex Backorders of a Rationing Inventory Policy with Two Different Demand Classes,"
P. Escalona, F. Ordóñez, E. Iturrieta. RAIRO Operations Research, 51, pp. 359--373, 2017.
"Critical Level Rationing in Inventory Systems with Continuously Distributed Demand," P. Escalona,
F. Ordóñez, I. Kauak. OR Spectrum, 39, pp. 273--301, 2017.
"A branch and price algorithm for a Stackelberg Security Game," F. Lagos, F. Ordóñez, M. Labbé.
Computers & Industrial Engineering, 111, pp. 216--227, 2017.
"Risk averse shortest paths: A computational study," R. Chicoisne, D. Espinoza, F. Ordóñez,
Informs Journal on Computing, 30(3), pp. 539--553, 2018.
"On the effect of inventory policies on distribution network design with several demand classes," P.
Escalona, V. Marianov, F. Ordóñez, R. Stegmaier. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and
Transportation Review, 111, pp. 229--240, 2018.
"A study of general and security Stackelberg game formulations," C. Casorrán, B. Fortz, M. Labbé,
M. and F. Ordóñez. European Journal of Operational Research, 278; pp 855--868, 2019.
"Efficient Algorithms to Match GPS Data on a Map," R. Chicoisne, D. Espinoza, F. Ordóñez,
International Journal of Operational Research, 36(4), pp. 518--537, 2019.
"Coordinated defender strategies for border patrols," V. Bucarey, C. Casorrán, M. Labbé, F.
Ordóñez, and O. Figueroa. To appear European Journal of Operational Research, 2019.
"Identifying Optimal Portfolios of Resilient Network Investments Against Natural Hazards, with
Applications to Earthquakes," T. Lagos, R. Moreno, A. Navarro, M. Panteli, R. Sacaan, F. Ordóñez,
H. Rudnick, and P. Mancarella. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 35(2), pp. 1411--1421, 2020.
Refereed Conference Proceedings and Refereed Workshop Papers
"Playing Games for Security: An Efficient Exact Algorithm for Solving
Bayesian Stackelberg Games,"
P. Paruchuri, J. Pearce, J. Marecki, M. Tambe, F. Ordóñez,
S. Kraus.
Proceedings of the
AAMAS-2008 conference. Estoril, Portugal, May 2008.
"Deployed ARMOR Protection: The Application of a Game Theoretic Model
for Security at the Los Angeles International Airport,"
J. Pita, M. Jain, J. Marecki, F. Ordóñez, C. Portway,
M. Tambe, C. Western, P. Paruchuri, S. Kraus.
Proceedings of the
AAMAS-2008 conference, Industry and Applications track.
Estoril, Portugal, May 2008.
"An Efficient Heuristic Approach for Security Against Multiple
P. Paruchuri, J. Pearce, M. Tambe, F. Ordóñez, S. Kraus.
Proceedings of the
AAMAS-2007 conference. Honolulu, May 2007.
"Increasing security through communication and policy randomization in
multiagent systems," by
P. Paruchuri, M. Tambe, F. Ordóñez, S. Kraus.
MSDM Workshop, AAMAS-2006, Hakodate, Japan, May 2006.
"Security in multiagent systems by policy randomization," by
P. Paruchuri, M. Tambe, F. Ordóñez, S. Kraus.
Proceedings of the
AAMAS-2006 conference. Hakodate, Japan, May 2006.
Earlier versions of this work also appeared in
"Safety in Multiagent Systems by Policy Randomization," by
P. Paruchuri, D. Dini, M. Tambe, F. Ordóñez, S. Kraus.
SASEMAS workshop, AAMAS-2005, Utrecht, Netherlands, July 2005.
Received the SASEMAS workshop Best Paper Award.
"Intentional Randomization for Single Agents and Agent-teams," by
P. Paruchuri, D. Dini, M. Tambe, F. Ordóñez, S. Kraus.
GTDT workshop, IJCAI-2005, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2005.
"A Sub-Gradient Algorithm for Maximal Data Extraction in Energy-limited
Wireless Sensor Networks," by
W. Ye and F. Ordóñez. Symposium on
Wireless Sensor Networks, in IEEE WirelessCom 2005, Maui, June 2005.
"Toward a Formalization of Teamwork with Resource Constraints,"
by P. Parchuri, M. Tambe, F. Ordóñez, and S. Kraus. In
proceedings of the AAMAS-2004 conference, New York, July 2004.
"Analysis of Energy-Efficient, Fair Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
through Non-linear Optimization," by
B. Krishnamachari and F. Ordóñez.
Workshop on Wireless Ad hoc, Sensor, and Wearable Networks, in IEEE Vehicular
Technology Conference - Fall, Orlando, Florida, October 2003.
"Determination of scaling laws from statistical data,"
P. F. Mendez and F. Ordóñez, In
Proceedings of Fifth International Workshop on Similarity Methods,
University of Stuttgart, November 2002.
Book Chapters
"Rapid Distribution of Medical Supplies,"
M.M. Dessouky, F. Ordóñez, H. Jia, and Z. Shen.
Book chapter in Delay Management in Health Care Systems, R. Hall (ed),
Springer, 2006.
"Fundamental Limits of Networked Sensing,"
B. Krishnamachari and F. Ordóñez.
Book chapter in Wireless Sensor Networks, T. Znati,
K. Sivalingam and C. S. Raghavendra (eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
"The Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem for Minimum Unmet Demand," by
Z. Shen, F. Ordóñez, and M.M. Dessouky,
Optimization and Logistics Challenges in the Enterprise, Springer Series
on Optimization and its Applications, 2009.
Working Papers
"Product line optimization with multiple sites," by
S. Dávila, M. Labbé, V. Marianov, F. Ordóñez, F. Semet, University of Chile Working Paper, 2021.
Data Set
"An Importance Sampling Approach for Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming with Correlated Uncertainty," by
F. Cordera, M. Olivares, and F. Ordóñez, University of Chile Working Paper, 2021.
- "Algorithms for Stackelberg Security Games," by R. Chicoisne and F. Ordóñez, University of Chile Working Paper, 2020.
"Stationary Strong Stackelberg Equilibrium in Discounted Stohastic Games," by
V. Bucarey, E. Della Vecchia, A. Jean-Marie, and F. Ordóñez,
University of Chile Working Paper, 2019.
Other downloadable