Accepted papers for Discrete Applied Mathematics: |
concentration bound for the longest increasing subsequence of
a randomly chosen involution"
Marcos Kiwi |
Formulations for the Group Steiner Tree Problem"
Carlos E. Ferreira and Fernando M. de Oliveira Filho |
maximum planar induced subgraphs"
Luerbio Faria, Celina M. Herrera de Figueiredo, Sylvain Gravier,
Candido F. X. Mendonca and Jorge Stolfi |
for clique-independent sets on subclasses of circular-arc graphs"
Guillermo Durán, Min Chih Lin, Sergio Mera and Jayme
L. Szwarcfiter |
sandwich problem for cutsets: clique-cutset, k-star cutset"
Rafael B. Teixeira and Celina M. Herrera de Figueiredo |
graphs: bound on the number of vertices and recognition"
Liliana Alcón |
the Characterization of the Domination of a Diameter Constrained
Network Reliability Model"
Héctor Cancela and Louis Petingi |
the commutativity of antiblocker diagrams under lift-and-project
M. S. Escalante, G. L. Nasini and M. C. Varaldo |
a certain class of nonideal clutters"
G. Argiroffo, S. Bianchi and G. Nasini
the combinatorial structure of chromatic scheduling polytopes"
Javier Marenco and Annegret Wagler |
basic properties of multiple hamiltonian covers"
Hans L. Fetter |
gaps versus model errors in online-dispatching of service units
for ADAC"
Benjamin Hiller, Sven O. Krumke, Jörg Rambau |
of multielevator-transport systems with reoptimization algorithms
based on set partitioning mode"
Philipp Friese and Jörg Rambau |
results of edge modification problems"
Pablo Burzyn, Flavia Bonomo and Guillermo Durán |
breaks and bounding solutions to the mirrored traveling tournament
Sebastián Urrutia and Celso C. Ribeiro |
Accepted papers for Electronic Notes in Discrete
Mathematics: |
(extended abstracts are available online at ScienceDirect) |
of Postman Sets"
Néstor Aguilera (Universidad Nacional
del Litoral, Argentina), Valeria A. Leoni (Universidad
Nacional de Rosario, Argentina) |
Liliana Alcón (Universidad Nacional de
La Plata, Argentina) |
Loop Graphs"
Liliana Alcón (Universidad Nacional de
La Plata, Argentina), Marcia Cerioli, Celina H. de Figueiredo
(Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil), Marisa Gutierrez (UNLP,
Argentina) and João Meidanis (Universidade
Estadual de Campinas, Brazil) |
a certain class of nonideal clutters"
G. Argiroffo, S. Bianchi and G. Nasini (Universidad
Nacional de Rosario, Argentina) |
advances about a conjecture on Helly circle graphs"
Juan Manuel Barrionuevo, Aureliano Calvo (Universidad
de Buenos Aires, Argentina), Guillermo A. Durán
(Universidad de Chile, Chile) and
Fábio Protti(Universidade Federal do Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil) |
Graphs and Suboptimal Colorings"
Ivo Bloechliger (Ecole Polytechnique Federale
de Lausanne, Switzerland) |
complexity of edge modification problems in different classes
of graphs"
Pablo Burzyn, Flavia Bonomo (Universidad
de Buenos Aires, Argentina) and Guillermo Durán
(Universidad de Chile, Chile) |
result on the total colouring of powers of cycles"
Christiane Neme Campos and Célia Picinin de Mello (Universidade
Estadual de Campinas, Brazil) |
Invariant of a Diameter Constrained Network Reliability Model"
Héctor Cancela (Universidad de
la República, Uruguay) and Louis Petingi (College
of Staten Island, USA) |
GRASP algorithm with RNN based local search for designing a
WAN access network"
Héctor Cancela (Universidad de
la República, Uruguay), Franco Robledo (Universidad
de la República and IRISA/INRIA, Uruguay) and
Gerardo Rubino (IRISA/INRIA, France) |
Analysis of Algorithms for the Steiner Problem in Directed Networks"
Alfredo Candia-Véjar (Universidad
de Talca, Chile) and Hugo Bravo-Azlán (Universidad
de Tarapacá, Chile) |
minimum clique partition and maximum independent set in unit
disk graphs and penny graphs: complexity and approximation"
M. R. Cerioli (Universidade Federal do
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), L. Faria (Universidade
do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), T. O. Ferreira
and F. Protti (Universidade Federal do
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) |
tilings: decomposition and space structure"
Frédéric Chavanon and Eric Rémila (Laboratoire
de l'Informatique du Parallélisme, France) |
solutions to two-dimensional bin packing with 90 degree rotations"
José Correa (University of Chile,
Chile) |
Comparability Graphs"
Patricia Dobson (Universidad Nacional
de Rosario, Argentina), Marisa Gutiérrez (Universidad
Nacional de La Plata, Argentina) and Jayme L. Szwarcfiter
(Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil) |
sets of Helly circular-arc graphs"
Guillermo Durán (Universidad de
Chile, Chile), Min Chih Lin, Sergio Mera (Universidad
de Buenos Aires, Argentina) and Jayme L. Szwarcfiter
(Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil) |
minimal N+-rank graphs"
M. Escalante, M.S. Montelar and G. Nasini (Universidad
Nacional de Rosario, Argentina) |
on Lift-and-Project Ranks and Antiblocker Duality"
M. S. Escalante, G. L. Nasini and M. C. Varaldo (Universidad
Nacional de Rosario, Argentina) |
vertex deletion: maximum degree thresholds for NP/Max SNP-hardness
and a 3/4-approximation for finding maximum planar induced subgraphs"
Luerbio Faria (Universidade do Estado
do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Celina M. Herrera de Figueiredo
(Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil), Sylvain Gravier (IMAG,
France), Candido F. X. Mendonca (Universidade
Estadual de Maringá, Brazil) and Jorge Stolfi
(Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil) |
Formulations for the Group Steiner Tree Problem"
Carlos E. Ferreira and Fernando M. de Oliveira Filho (Universidade
de São Paulo, Brazil) |
hamiltonian covers"
Hans L. Fetter (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa,
Mexico) |
Clique-inverse graphs of Kp-free graphs"
Sylvain Gravier (IMAG, France),
Fábio Protti (Universidade Federal
do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and Claudia Linhares Sales
(Universidade Federal do Ceará,
Brazil) |
Simple 2-matchings"
David Hartvigsen (University of Notre
Dame, USA) |
Scale Simulations of a Neural Network Model for the Graph Bisection
Problem on Random Graphs"
Gonzalo Hernandez (Andres Bello University,
Chile) and Luis Salinas (Santa
Maria University, Chile) |
Gaps versus Model Errors in Online-Dispatching of Service Units
for ADAC"
Benjamin Hiller (Department Optimization
Zuse-Institute Berlin, Alemania), Sven O. Krumke (University
of Kaiserslautern, Alemania), Jorg Rambau (Department
Optimization Zuse-Institute Berlin, Alemania) |
representation for the modular-pairs of a cograph by modular
Sulamita Klein, Noemi C. dos Santos and Jayme L. Szwarcfiter
(Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil) |
Memetic Algorithm for the Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing
C.M.R.R. Lima, M.C. Goldbarg and E.F.G. Goldbarg (Universidade
do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil) |
equivalence of Chromatic Scheduling Polytopes"
Javier Marenco (Universidad de Buenos
Aires and Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Argentina)
and Annegret Wagler (Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum
fur Informationstechik Berlin, Alemania) |
Ant Colony Algorithm for the Capacited Vehicle Routing"
Silvia Mazzeo and Irene Loiseau (Universidad
de Buenos Aires, Argentina) |
Problems in Threshold Graphs"
Carmen Ortiz Z. (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez,
Chile) and Mónica Villanueva-Ilufi (Universidad
de Santiago de Chile, Chile) |
Production Planning Problem. A New Algorithm"
Lorena Pradenas, Fernando Peñailillo (University
of Concepción, Chile), and Jacques Ferland (University
of Montreal, Canada) |
redundant solutions of some symmetric combinatorial integer
Pablo A. Rey (Universidad de Chile, Chile)
Results on Balanced Connected Partitions of Graphs"
Liliane R. B. Salgado and Yoshiko Wakabayashi (Universidade
de São Paulo, Brazil) |
Winding Road towards a Characterization of the Stable Set Polytope
for Claw-Free Graphs "
Gautier Stauffer (EPFL-IMA-ROSO, Switzerland)
and Thomas Liebling (EPFL-IMA-ROSO, Switzerland)
sandwich problem for cutsets"
Rafael B. Teixeira and Celina M. Herrera de Figueiredo (Universidade
Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) |
Travels by Maximizing Breaks in Round Robin Tournament Schedules"
Sebastián Urrutia (Catholic University
of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and Celso C. Ribeiro (Universidade
Federal Fluminense, Brazil) |
Submissions to Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics: |
Submissions are due
April 30th, 2004. A special volume of the Electronic
Notes in Discrete Mathematics will be dedicated to accepted
extended abstracts.
Authors are invited
to submit an extended abstract (up to 6 pages) to lacga04@dii.uchile.cl.
This extended abstract should contain the title of the paper, each
author's name, affiliation, and e-mail address, followed by an abstract
(up to 150 words). This should be followed by a succinct statement
of the issues and of their motivation, a summary of the main results,
and a brief explanation of their significance.
Instructions for submissions may be obtained in ENDM web page (www.elsevier.nl/locate/endm).
notices will be sent to authors via e-mail by June 15th, 2004.
The final version for ENDM is due June 30th, 2004. |
To get the call for
papers, click the following links [PDF]
[PS]. |
Submissions to Discrete Applied Mathemetics: |
Participants and invited
speakers to the LACGA'04 Conference are invited to submit a full length
paper on the topic of their presentation, or a related one, to the
special issue of Discrete
Applied Mathematics (DAM), edited by Guillermo Durán, Thomas
M. Liebling and Martín Matamala.
All papers will be reviewed according to the quality standards of
DAM. Submissions must be made to lacga04@dii.uchile.cl
no later than December 31st., 2004.
Manuscripts should be prepared using the instructions to authors given
by DAM that can be found here. |