Registration: |
We have opened the
registration in order to estimate the number of participants and send
you all the news related to the Symposium. Please fill the form below
if you are coming to LAGOS.
The fees are U$D 200, U$D 150 for Program Committee members
and U$D 100 for students and Organizing Committee members. Registration
fees should be paid in cash at the Symposium secretariat.
The registration is free for invited speakers and steering committee
Registration include all the lunches (in the Hotel, from Monday to
Thursday), welcome reception cocktail (Sunday night), conference banquet
(Wednesday night), excursion expenses and conference proceedings.
Grants for students: |
We are happy to announce the names of the 27 students
selected to obtain a grant for participation at the IV Latin-American
Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium in Puerto Varas, CHILE. |
The grants include
Hotel expenses (4 nights, shared room with kitchenette and refrigerator
at Hotel Cabañas del Lago), lunches, welcome reception cocktail,
conference banquet, excursion expenses and conference proceedings.
Breakfasts are not included. |
For the following students (with an accepted paper), grant also
covers registration fees:
Aline Da Silva ( UFC - Brasil
) |
Sheila Almeida ( UNICAMP - Brasil
) |
Candida da Silva ( UNICAMP -
Brasil ) |
Yerim Chung ( Paris 1 ) |
Luciano Grippo ( UBA - Argentina
) |
Florian Huc ( U. of Nice - Francia
) |
Cerasela Jaulin ( U. de Caen
- Francia ) |
Raphael Machado ( UFRJ - Brasil
) |
Alberto Miranda ( UNICAMP - Brasil
) |
Marco Montalva ( U. de Concepcion
) |
Thiago Noronha ( PUC - Brasil
) |
Fabiano Oliveira ( UFRJ - Brasil
) |
Priscila Petito ( UFRJ - Brasil
) |
Frederico Paiva Quintao ( UFMG
- Brasil ) |
Martín Safe ( UBA - Argentina
) |
Ximena Schultz ( U.
de Chile ) |
Francisco Soulignac ( UBA - Argentina
) |
Rafael Teixeira ( UFRJ - Brasil
) |
The following students have a grant but they must
pay the registration fee (U$D 100): |
Raul Aliaga ( U. Chile ) |
Gustavo Angulo ( U. Chile ) |
Diego Delle Donne ( UBA - Argentina
) |
Cristobal Guzman ( U. Chile ) |
Andrea Jerez ( U. de Santiago
) |
María Susana Montelar ( UNR -
Argentina ) |
Vagner Pedrotti ( UNICAMP - Brasil
) |
Paola Tolomei ( UNR - Argentina
) |
María del Carmen Varaldo ( UNR
- Argentina ) |